The European semiconductor industry: a vast investment opportunity

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From investment to disposal: taking a company to the next level

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Taking invisible disabilities out of the shadow and into the light

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Data intelligence is the cornerstone to a reliable and clean energy system

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Investing in clean hydrogen – why solar and wind cannot do it alone

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Investing in clean hydrogen – the capital outlay required

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Investing in clean hydrogen – a global, diversified energy source

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Ardian Semiconductor aims to address supply chain challenges

Semiconductors are integral to the development for an expansive range of industries. They are found in a vast variety of consumer and industrial products, from computing to energy, and play a crucial role in driving digitalization and the green transition.

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  • Ardian 2022 Integrated Report

    This year for the first time we are publishing an Integrated Report, which brings together in a single document the separate Activity and Sustainability Reports that we have produced up to now. Our aim in doing this is to give a more comprehensive and coherent understanding of how Ardian creates value for all our stakeholders.

    Read the report
  • Ardian Corporate Brochure

    Ardian is a world-leading private investment house that operates globally from a network of 19 offices and manages or advises $160 billion of assets on behalf of more than 1,560 clients globally.

    Read the brochure
  • The Fight for a Net-Zero Aviation - The Augmented Infrastructure Part III

    Acting collectively will be essential and necessary if we need to reinvent air travel with more sustainability at a global scale.
    Discover our study on how to decarbonize the air transport industry.

    Read the study