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Our aim is to find talented people from a diverse pool and welcome them into our company. We want to do a lot more to promote diversity and inclusion over the next few years.

Maria Stasse & Flavie Jean Co-Head of Human Resources

From a master’s degree in management and IT in Paris to a Finance Project Senior Associate

Learn about Maïlys Lada's experience at Ardian and the opportunities she has discovered in terms of mobility and responsibility.

At Ardian, our ambition is to build companies that last - for our portfolio companies, team members and investors - driving continuous growth...

  • Talent Inside Ardian

At Ardian, our ambition is to build companies that last - for our portfolio companies, team members and investors, driving continuous growth...

  • Talent Inside Ardian

Going beyond the corporation, to make finance a player that is genuinely changing society as a whole. At Ardian, we are pursuing this goal by...

  • Talent, Ardian Responsible finance Inside Ardian

Benjamin Mathieu picture

Mobility at Ardian: Benjamin Mathieu's journey

  • Talent, Investor Relations Inside Ardian

Maëlys Dupuy picture

Discover how Maëlys got the opportunity to start a permanent contract while finishing her studies

  • Talent, Private Wealth Solutions, Investor Relations Inside Ardian

For many years, inclusion and diversity have been a key concern for Ardian, which has built its approach upon three pillars: gender, social diversity...

  • Talent Responsible finance